Unmercyfull sadness
Broken loves and dreams
Carried to you the smell of pain
Like a predator hunting his pray
You started to chase me
I felt you coming
But i was to weak to run away
I tried to fight you
But you tooked over my soul
You made me your slave
And comanded me to seek loneliness
Against my will i obay you
Drowning in darkness
In the silent and dark nights
As soon as i close my eyes
You come to seduce me
Forbiding me to forget you
I want to unleash me
But i still fear the pain out there
Powerless i lay down beside you
My unmercyfull sadness
By: Tom Sawyer
Carried to you the smell of pain
Like a predator hunting his pray
You started to chase me
I felt you coming
But i was to weak to run away
I tried to fight you
But you tooked over my soul
You made me your slave
And comanded me to seek loneliness
Against my will i obay you
Drowning in darkness
In the silent and dark nights
As soon as i close my eyes
You come to seduce me
Forbiding me to forget you
I want to unleash me
But i still fear the pain out there
Powerless i lay down beside you
My unmercyfull sadness
By: Tom Sawyer
6 Pensamentos amigos:
adorei o seu cantinho vou vir aqui mais vezes transmite paz e calma
Conceição Bernardino
bonito poema :)
Feliz Natal
Beijinhos grandes e tudo de bom para ti!***
Adorei o poema..
Um Feliz Natal e que tudo o que vc almeja para a sua vida seja concretizado...
Um beijo enorme...
Uau! Isto é que foi um intenso fluir de sentimentos!!! Pena serem sentimentos assim, não muito alegres, mas entendo-te bem! O poema está óptimo, parabéns!!! Bjs
Cade VC meu amigo???
Sumui?? Evaporou???
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